KYB – Know Your Blood Group

My Blog for Prathama Blood Center on “Know your Blood Group” – Do visit it!! 

Chintan & Chitra came running to Chintan’s mother with bleeding hands. Chintan bumped on a broken glass pane in their backyard while playing and had a cut in leg. Chintan’s mother while cleaning the wounds told them a small story, “Do you know that both of your blood is of red colour but still they are very different?”

Amazed they asked “How?”
She explained, “In an adult’s body there is about 4-6 litres of blood circulating. This blood is mainly responsible for transporting oxygen & other vital nutrients. So now you will ask, what are the different blood groups, why & how are they determined?”
Chintan & Chitra nodded their heads.
She continued “The main reason of difference in human blood are because of the presence of or absence of protein molecules called ‘antigens’, which are located on the surface of the red blood cells & the antibodies which are present in the blood plasma. Any given individual has different types & combinations of these. A combination of this resulted in  4 types of blood groups – A, B, O & AB.”
“The blood group you have depends on your parents’ blood group. Since your dad’s blood group is O & mine is “B”, your blood group is “B”, & Chitra’s parents blood group is “A” & “B”, Chitra’s blood group is AB.”
Chintan asked “why my blood group is B and not O mummy?”
Mother said “ I will explain you little later” she paused.  Seeing them listening so attentively, she continued,” Now, you must be thinking what would happen if blood is given to a person of different group?”
“Remember, few days back a few drops of lemon fell in the milk I was boiling, what had happened?”  Chintan said, “It got all curdled & was of no use.” Chintan’s mother continued, “Exactly, when two different blood groups are mixed then they lead to blood clumping.”
Seeing their faces she smiled & explained, “Let’s take an example of your school. How are you given grades?” Chitra replied, “If we get less than 40 marks then we are fail so D, if we get between 40-60 marks then C, between 60-80 is B & 80 and above is A.” Chintan’s mother then asked, “What would happen if you scored 60 marks & were given the grade D?” Chintan frowned & said, “That won’t  be fair, we deserve a C” Chintan’s mother laughed, “You are right, in the same way if a person with blood group A is given blood from group B then just like the milk reacted with lemon the blood groups will react.”
“So Ma, did people know that such blood groups exist?”
“No, in olden days, people were not aware of these blood groups & the rate of people dying during blood transfusions was high. In the year 1901, Austrian scientist  Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups & saved lives. He was awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine in the year 1930.”
She further added, “Our blood group is basically determined by the ABO Blood Grouping & Rh Blood grouping. So Chintan, your blood group is “B” & so you have B antigens on your red blood cells &  antibodies in your blood plasma. For Chitra, both “A” & “B” antigens are present on her red blood cells & no antibodies in plasma. For a “O” blood group person, there are no antigens & both “A” & “B” antibodies in their plasma”.
Chintan said “ Now I know why I got B group.”
“Rh is an antigen present on the red blood cell’s surface. Those who have this antigen are Rh+ & those who don’t are Rh-. So Chintan if you tell anyone your blood group is B+, what does that mean?”
Chintan replied,” It means, I have B antigen in my red blood cells & the RH antigen is present on my red blood cell surface so my blood group is B+”
“So, now how will we know who can donate blood to whom?”
 Chitra said,” People with blood group A can give blood to people with blood group A…” “B group people can give to B group people….” Chintan added. “Aunty, can people of both A & B groups give to a person of AB group?” Chitra asked.
“Yes. Blood group “AB” is called universal acceptor & can easily accept blood from all other blood groups – A,B & also O. And the blood group “O” is a universal donor & can easily donate blood to people of all blood types – A,B,AB,O.  A person with Rh+ blood can receive blood from a person with Rh- blood without any problems.”
Both of their dressing was done & they were leaving again to continue with their game. Chintan’s mother finished her story saying, “So kids, once you reach 18, donate your blood & help save lives.”
Chintan & Chitra ran off to their friends, eager to share this new piece of information they received today.

– Karishma Vijay (The Social Media Co.)

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